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Filippo, che opera dal nostro ufficio di Roma, ha iniziato la sua carriera in Banca Leonardo dove ha lavorato nella Sala Operativa prima al Desk di Volatilità e poi al Desk Institutional Sales. Successivamente, sempre in Banca Leonardo, ha lavorato come analista finanziario presso l’Ufficio Studi. Per oltre otto anni ha seguito molte società quotate operanti in diversi settori: industriale, infrastrutture, tecnologia, immobiliare, servizi.
Nel 2009 Filippo ha iniziato a lavorare in un single family office basato a Lugano in Svizzera, rispondendo direttamente al board, ha avviato lo start up del family office pianificando e conducendo il processo di diversificazione quale Responsabile degli Investimenti. In tale veste ha potuto operare su scala globale e nelle principali asset class seguendo innumerevoli transazioni ed effettuando significativi investimenti sia diretti che attraverso fondi.
Nel 2024 Filippo è entrato a far parte di Translink come Partner.
Filippo è laureato in Economia e Commercio alla Sapienza di Roma ed è socio ordinario Aiaf dal 2001. Filippo è in grado di portare avanti transazioni sia in italiano che in inglese.
Pedro svolge il ruolo di Analyst presso Translink Italia. Ha conseguito una laurea in Commercio presso la Smith School of Business della Queen’s University in Canada. Pedro è in grado di lavorare in italiano, inglese e portoghese.
Vittoria svolge il ruolo di Associate. Ha conseguito una laurea triennale in Economia e Commercio e una laurea magistrale in Management – Accounting & Finance. È in grado di svolgere la sua attività in italiano e in inglese.
Matteo svolge il ruolo di Associate. Ha conseguito una laurea triennale in Economia e Finanza presso l’Università Bocconi di Milano e una laurea magistrale in Amministrazione, Finanza Aziendale e Controllo presso la stessa università. È in grado di svolgere la sua attività in italiano e in inglese.
David Strempel ha lavorato e prestato attività di consulenza presso alcuni fra i maggiori gruppi multinazionali in Europa e negli Stati Uniti e vanta una lunga esperienza nella compravendita di imprese di piccole-medie dimensioni. Prima di fondare Strempel & Partners, la società che ha preceduto Translink Strempel & Company, David era comproprietario e amministratore delegato di Informed Sources Ltd., una società di consulenza strategica per l’alta direzione venduta nel 2002 a Mercer Management Consulting (parte del gruppo Marsh & McLennan).
David Strempel è arrivato ad Informed Sources da America Online UK in cui ricopriva il ruolo di direttore generale. Precedentemente, aveva lavorato cinque anni presso Bertelsmann, periodo durante il quale ha contribuito a lanciare e a sviluppare la divisione video giochi di BMG che in seguito si sarebbe fusa con Take 2 Interactive, ed è stato direttore di strategia per BMG International
Riccardo svolge il ruolo di Director. Ha più di sette anni di esperienza lavorativa internazionale: ha lavorato a Londra dove ha svolto il ruolo di consulente contabile per alcuni famosi marchi italiani e poi quello di Accounting and Finance Manager della filiale inglese di una società del gruppo Krones. Nel 2022 è rientrato in Italia come M&A Analyst per una boutique finanziaria basata in veneto. Riccardo ha conseguito la laurea magistrale in Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo all’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia.
Riccardo svolge il ruolo di Analyst. Ha conseguito la Laurea in Economia Aziendale presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze e un Master in Amministrazione, Finanza Aziendale e Controllo presso l’Università Bocconi di Milano. È in grado di svolgere la sua attività in italiano e inglese
Gianni Laudato è un Senior Executive che ha rivestito posizioni di Chief Financial Officer e Managing Director in gruppi italiani e multinazionali. Ha lavorato in qualità di International Finance Manager alla GTE Telecomunicazioni Spa, gruppo operante in Italia e all’estero nel settore telecom con circa 6.500 addetti; Chief Financial Officer nel Gruppo Ercole Marelli SpA quotato alla Borsa di Milano operante in Italia ed all’estero attraverso diverse consociate nel settore energia, elettromeccanico ed impiantistico con circa 8.000 addetti; Group Chief Financial Officer e Managing Director delle società italiane nel Gruppo Schiapparelli, holding quotata alla Borsa di Milano, operante in vari settori: farmaceutico a prescrizione e OTC, cosmetico, diagnostico, biotecnologie e food & beverage.
Nei 10 anni di attività presso il gruppo Schiapparelli ha gestito una serie di importanti operazioni di finanza straordinaria e strutturata quali operazioni di M&A in Italia ed all’estero, joint-venture con gruppi internazionali, operazioni di equity sulla holding quotata. Successivamente, insieme ad altri soci, fonda la S.I.L.V.A. SpA operante nel settore dei prodotti Spirits e Beverage di alta gamma ed agisce anche come consulente strategico in aziende del settore. Nel 2007 diventa Senior Executive Advisor di MIT.FIN SpA (boutique operante nella consulenza M&A) e nel 2010 insieme a David Strempel e Alberto Parisi fonda Translink Strempel come Equity Partner e Senior Advisor. Fa parte dei nostri gruppi Food e Healthcare, avendo chiuso con successo svariate transazioni in questi settori
Alberto ha una profonda esperienza nel corporate finance maturata in anni di attività sia nell’equity capital markets che nell’M&A. Ha iniziato la sua carriera come equity analyst, lavorando per Milla & Co (in seguito Banca Leonardo), Caboto e Pasfin Securities, in seguito venduta a BNP Paribas. Per BNPP è stato membro dei teams di ricerca nei settori automotive, telecom e media, venendo classificato da Extle come miglior analista telecom Italiano nel 2000. Nello stesso anno è stato nominato da BNPP responsabile del corporate finance per il settore TMT. Nel 2003 si è unito ad Abaxbank (Gruppo Credito Emiliano) dove ha condotto il primo round di ristrutturazione. Nel 2005 è stato nominato Head of M&A di FMM (in seguito Fante Group). Nel 2009 ha partecipato allo startup di Hammer Partners, una società di ricerca indipendente dedicata agli hedge funds. Prima di unirsi a Translink ha concluso operazioni di M&A in qualità di CEO di BCR Consulenti Associati, una boutique di corporate finance che ha fondato nel 2012.
Riccardo svolge il ruolo di Analyst. Ha conseguito una laurea triennale in Economia dei Mercati e degli Intermediari Finanziari presso l’Università Cattolica di Milano e sta terminando un Master of Science in Finance presso la Grenoble Ecole de Management. È in grado di svolgere la sua attività in italiano, inglese e francese.
Jeh svolge il ruolo di Associate. Ha conseguito una laurea in Economia e Finanza Internazionale presso l’Università Bocconi di Milano. Fa parte dei gruppi di specialisti TMT e Industrials di Translink. È in grado di svolgere la sua attività in inglese, italiano e hindi
Harleen, è coordinatrice del Research presso la sede di Milano. Ha più di 9 anni di esperienza nel settore dei servizi finanziari in vari ruoli. Harleen ha conseguito una laurea in banche e assicurazioni e un diploma post-laurea in affari internazionali. Ha iniziato la sua carriera professionale presso Deutsche Bank (Mumbai) e ha lavorato in Barclays International sia a Mumbai che a Londra.
Matteo Paggi possiede una vasta esperienza finanziaria sviluppata nelle aree del corporate finance, transaction service e revisione contabile. Matteo ha iniziato la sua carriera in KPMG a Milano (Audit) dove ha ricoperto ruoli di crescenti responsabilità occupandosi della revisione dei bilanci di società finanziarie. Successivamente, sempre in KPMG (Transaction Service) ha partecipato a numerose attività di “due diligence e transaction activities. Dal 2007 al 2010 ha fatto parte della struttura di MIT.FIN (società basata a Milano che opera nell’area della finanza strutturata e M&A), dove è arrivato a ricoprire il ruolo di responsabile del team di execution, e dove ha condotto numerose operazioni di M&A sui mercati domestico ed internazionale.
Dal 2010 al 2011 ha ricoperto il ruolo di Head of the Execution in Fante (società basata a Milano specializzata in corporate finance). Nel 2011 è entrato a far parte di Translink Strempel. Nel 2013 acquisisce il ruolo di CEO/CFO di una società italiana specializzata nel settore dei servizi tipografici, per cui aveva seguito una transazione internazionale. Dal 2016 Matteo è rientrato in Translink Strempel come Partner. Matteo è laureato all’Università Bocconi (Milano) in Economia, ed è in grado di svolgere la sua attività in italiano, inglese e francese. Fa parte dei nostri gruppi Automotive e Industrial, avendo chiuso con successo svariate transazioni in questi settori
Filippo Dalponte è un professionista senior con una lunga carriera nel settore dell’Investment Banking italiano ed una vasta esperienza nelle attività di Corporate Finance ed M&A.
Filippo ha lavorato per alcune delle più prestigiose banche d’affari, società di advisory ed istituzioni finanziarie, tra cui La Compagnia Finanziaria, Gruppo Sopaf, Efibanca, Centrosim, Mitfin. Ha assistito numerose società di grandi e medio-piccole dimensioni in operazioni di Debt Capital Market, Acquisition Finance, Equity Capital Market (ha gestito oltre 10 IPO sui mercati azionari italiani), M&A, valutazioni e fairness opinion. Vanta relazioni consolidate con il settore del Private Equity, avendo lavorato con molti dei più importanti investitori finanziari del mercato italiano su operazioni nei più svariati settori.
Filippo si è laureato in Economia Aziendale con specializzazione in Finanza Aziendale presso l’Università Bocconi. Ha poi frequentato corsi di alto livello presso la SDA Bocconi School of Management in gestione finanziaria d’impresa e Corporate Finance. Filippo parla italiano e inglese e gestisce affari in entrambe le lingue. Si occupa principalmente dei settori manifatturieri, dei beni di consumo, di alimentari e private equity.
Mauro Bussotti ha sviluppato la propria carriera nell’ambito dell’Investment Banking, maturando competenze nella Finanza Strutturata, Equity e Debt Capital Markets e nell’attività di M&A. Negli anni ha ricoperto diversi ruoli in primarie istituzioni finanziarie per decidere poi di impegnarsi nell’attività di consulenza. Mauro è stato Responsabile Crediti della filiale di Londra e Vice Rappresentante a New York di Banca di Roma.
Credit Manager, Responsabile Investment Banking – Istituzioni finanziarie per Citigroup. Direttore responsabile Investment Banking e Relazioni esterne di Caboto, Banca Intesa. Direttore centrale responsabile dell’Investment Banking ( Securitization, Structured Finance, M&A, Capital Market Origination) di Abaxbank (Gruppo Credito Emiliano). Amministratore Delegato della società di corporate finance del gruppo Comoi (gruppo italo svizzero specializzato in Asset Management, Risk Management e Corporate Finance).
Mauro è in grado di svolgere la sua attività in italiano e in inglese. Fa parte dei nostri gruppi Food e Industrial, avendo chiuso con successo svariate transazioni in questi settori
Jamie is a partner at Provantage CF and has over 25 years of experience in the corporate finance world, gained at some of the most successful global corporate finance practices including Catalyst Corporate Finance/Alantra and GCA Altium/Houlihan Lokey.
He has worked with a wide range of business types – from owner managers to private equity backed businesses through to large corporates – always focused on delivering an outstanding outcome for the client. He is part of the TMT team with a particular focus on software, IT Services and tech-enabled services – completing multiple transactions in this space over the last 10 years.
Will has over 10 years’ experience in M&A, having advised on a broad range of transactions including owner-managed businesses, large corporates and private equity.
He has extensive experience in providing shareholders and management teams with strategic advice on corporate mergers & acquisitions, business disposals, exit strategies, management buy-outs/buy-ins and raising debt or equity capital.
Will’s sector experience spans a wide range of markets, and he is a member of our Energy & Environment specialist sector group.
Will enjoys spending his free time with his young family around the Yorkshire countryside and has a passion for a range of sporting hobbies including golf, skiing and general fitness.
Matt has over 15 years’ of mid-market corporate finance experience across numerous sectors including TMT, Logistics, Manufacturing and Business Services.
He advises owner-managers, corporate and private equity clients, with a particular focus on M&A strategy and execution.
Matt has been described as being a cornerstone in the successful completion of the transaction, always on top of the facts and totally on the ball in constantly changing situations.
He is a member of the ICAEW and holds a MA in Finance.
John has worked in the corporate finance industry for over 20 years including in M&A at a top six firm, as an investment professional at a private equity house and now at Translink Corporate Finance.
He enjoys advising a wide variety of business owners, management teams and financial institutions on a range of corporate transactions and strategies. Since joining Translink Corporate Finance John has been responsible for the successful delivery of several domestic and cross-border disposals and fund raisings including for a building products business which enabled transformational growth.
John spends his downtime either walking his dog Doris with his family, or road cycling in the peak district.
Tim is an experienced deal maker, having enjoyed working with privately owned businesses for over 15 years.
His experience cuts across a wide range of industry sectors, advising clients on disposals to strategic acquirers and financial investors, providing advice on raising funds for growth or acquisitions and advising management teams through private-equity-backed MBOs.
Tim enjoys an active social life, maintaining his passion for golf and playing off a +1 handicap and regularly competing in Sheffield and Yorkshire teams as well as some national events when time permits!
Declan has over eight years’ experience of providing corporate finance advice to owner managers and ambitious management teams. In recent years he has advised on a number of company sales, corporate acquisitions and MBOs for clients across a range of sectors including automotive, TMT, industrial and healthcare.
In 2019 he was named Emerging Dealmaker of the Year at the Insider Sheffield City Region Dealmakers Awards.
Andy has been providing deal making and corporate finance advice to privately owned businesses for over 15 years, both within the M&A and Private Equity team of one of the large consulting firms and now at Translink Corporate Finance.
He has substantial experience in advising shareholders and management teams on many areas of strategy including value creation, corporate finance, acquisitions and exit/succession strategies. Andy won the Emerging Dealmaker award at the 2016 Insider Yorkshire Dealmakers Awards. He is a member of our TMT and food sector groups having completed a number of deals in the sectors.
Andy spends his downtime with his young family or enjoying the great outdoors either walking, golfing or skiing. He is also a long suffering Leeds United fan.
Andrew has extensive experience of M&A, accountancy and financial analysis including significant exposure to both UK and international cross border buy and sell-side deals, having spent several years as a Corporate Financier with Translink IMA CF and the ‘Big 4’ firms KPMG and EY. In addition, he has years of invaluable industry experience in the Energy, Technology and Engineering markets.
He has also attained Master of Arts degrees in both Accountancy and Finance and in Economics from the University of Aberdeen. Andrew is dedicated to supporting Translink’s global client base on all aspects of their M&A, fundraising and growth strategies, helping to achieve and maximise value for the owners, businesses and investors that we work for. Andrew is also a member of the IT industry group and is actively involved in transactions in this sector.
For over 25 years Don has been helping business owners and management teams achieve their ambitions. Whether it’s raising funds to acquire businesses or helping retiring shareholders maximise the sale value of their companies, Don has a fierce passion for delivering outstanding results for his clients.
Don’s recent experience includes a broad range of transactions from series A funding for early stage tech businesses through to £multi-million cross-border sale mandates. He is a member of Translink’s Industrials and Healthcare sector groups
Outside of work you’ll most likely find Don on his bike. His perfect day off combines a long day in the saddle exploring a new country with a well deserved glass of the local vino waiting at the finish.
Having graduated from the University of Sheffield with a BA in Mathematics Kevin joined the team in 2006. With his 15+ years of experience in the corporate finance arena he has worked on a range of domestic and cross-border transactions. He takes great pleasure in working closely with his clients, developing strong relationships and helping them achieve their ultimate aspirations.
He is a holder of the ICAEW’s Corporate Finance qualification, and is a member of both our Energy & Environment and Food & Beverage industry groups having closed several transactions in each sector.
Hamish has over 20 years of corporate finance experience. He has established a reputation for delivering outstanding results for his clients whilst providing them with innovative solutions to problems. Having also sold a business he was a shareholder in, Hamish is able to directly relate to the variety of emotions clients experience during a deal process.
His presence has proven pivotal in a significant number of deals including high profile sell side deals, debt only and private equity backed management buy-outs and acquisition support to both corporate acquirers and private equity houses. Many of these clients have had long term relationships with Hamish and value his wider commercial and strategic advice as well as his deal specific support.
Whilst Hamish has advised companies across a wide variety of sectors he has always had a particular interest in the tech space and is an active member of Translink’s Global TMT team.
Hamish loves spending time with his family in the outdoors during his downtime and his dog ensures he covers many kms each week.
Stuart leads the cross-border M&A team of Translink Corporate Finance – IMA in the UK, and has extensive experience in global buy and sell-side assignments. Stuart, a Chartered Accountant, is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, having qualified with Ernst & Young, the ‘Big 4’ accounting firm, where he commenced his Corporate Finance career, some 18 years ago.
Stuart established an independent Corporate Finance practice in 2004 that today serves both UK and international clients on Sales, Acquisitions, Buy-outs and Carve-outs, helping achieve the strategies of family owned businesses, private equity backed businesses and listed companies. He is the head of our automotive group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Narciso has over 20 years of professional experience in Corporate Finance, advising and participating in M&A transactions. Throughout his career he has gained experience in services, industry and real estate areas. Among his clients there are reputed family owned corporations. He is a founding partner of WindCorp. He began his professional career in the finance and insurance sector in Bankpime and Barclays Bank. He has a Bachelor of Business Studies from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
Noriyuki started his career at AGS in 1995, handling tax advisory, IPO support and turnaround before taking up the position of branch manager in Nagoya for 3 years. He has been acting as division director of the Corporate Advisory Division since 2014. Noriyuki has more than 20 years of experience in M&A, accounting and tax advisory. He has been involved in various M&A, IPO, and turnaround.
Rick has considerable cross-border M&A experience with Japanese companies and has covered various industries in Asia. He has also played an advisory role in acquisition and capital alliance from sourcing to execution, withdrawal, and business transfer on restructuring. Before joining AGS Consulting Singapore, he worked for a global accounting firm in Singapore, working primarily in auditing and accounting. He is a member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants and speaks English, Japanese and Chinese. Rick is a member of our automotive industry group.
Mathieu, Managing Director at Financiere Monceau, has gained experience in M&A since the early 2000s. He started his career as an auditor at RSM International France. Subsequently, he joined MK Finance (Deloitte) as an M&A analyst and quickly moved to a partner level. He then co-founded Financiere Monceau in 2011. Over the past few years, Mathieu has gained an extensive experience in M&A, both sell-side and buy-side, mostly in the healthcare industry, and the building and construction sectors. He also fancies working on distressed M&A deals. He is a partner of Translink since early 2017. Mathieu is a member of our healthcare industry group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Jacques-Henri is an M&A professional with extensive experience in both buy-side and sell-side transactions. He began his career with MK Finance (Deloitte) back in the mid-2000s. Over the past years, he has advised many transactions in the building and construction sectors and the aeronautic industry among others. Jacques-Henri co-founded Financiere Monceau in 2011. He is a member of our automotive, industrials and logistics industry groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Tanguy is a seasoned M&A professional with over 20 years of experience. He is a graduate from HEC, ranked #1 Business school in Europe. He started his career in prestigious investment banks such as JPMorgan or BNP Paribas, in Paris, London or New York City. He then joined and developed the M&A boutique Ricol Lasteyrie Corporate Finance, which was acquired by EY, in France, in 2015. Tanguy joined Financière Monceau CF in Paris in June 2021. He leads the Fundraising practice, and contributes to M&A operations, both in the TMT and Impact / Cleantech sectors.
João has more than 30 years of experience in the areas of Private Equity and Corporate Finance, advising Portuguese and international clients in capital raising deals, financial restructurings, privatisations, and cross-border M&A transactions. Before founding Translink Finance Setting, he was Head of Corporate Finance for Portugal at BNP Paribas and worked for other Portuguese and international financial institutions. He holds an Industrial Engineering MSc. from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and speaks Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. João is a member of our IT and logistics industry groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Eric’s professional experience was gained in several executive positions, including CEO and CFO for listed companies. He has executed several share issues to raise capital, as well as one listing process. Eric has many years of experience in corporate transactions, with Anecta since 2009 and for seven years prior within SFF. He holds a degree in economics.
Deger è Partner di Anafine Capital Partners in Turchia ed è responsabile per l’origination, structuring and execution dei deal. Ha maturato un’esperienza rilevante nella realizzazione di operazioni complesse di private equity, buy-out, carve-out e M&A negli Stati Uniti, nell’Europa orientale e in Turchia. Inoltre, Deger ha quasi 15 anni di esperienza in ruoli di consulenza strategica e gestionale con GE, PwC e Merck & Co. negli Stati Uniti, nell’UE e in Turchia. Deger è un GE certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, ha conseguito un MBA presso la Cornell University ed è laureato presso la Sam Houston State University e presso la Bogazici University. È a capo del gruppo food, avendo concluso diverse transazioni con successo in questo settore.
“Jens ha una laurea in ingegneria e un MBA (INSEAD). Nella sua carriera ha spaziato nei settori dell’elettronica, dei dispositivi medici e dei materiali da costruzione. Per oltre un decennio ha ricoperto posizioni di senior management in Coloplast, JAI e Icopal. Nel 2005 ha acquisito Vitral A/S, un produttore di lucernari per tetti con sede in Danimarca e Regno Unito e l’ha condotto con successo durante la crisi finanziaria, anche attraverso il trasferimento della produzione in Lituania. Nel 2018 Vitral è stata venduta al gruppo VELUX. Jens ha una significativa esperienza nelle vendite, nel marketing e in ambito operations. Ha partecipato a diverse transazioni sia come venditore che come acquirente, in Danimarca e a livello internazionale. Ha una vasta esperienza nei consigli di amministrazione di aziende danesi private e pubbliche, anche nel ruolo di presidente. Jens è a capo del settore healthcare e membro del gruppo industrials, avendo chiuso diverse transazioni in questi settori”.
“Henrik si occupa di M&A dall’inizio degli anni ’90, quando ha fondato la sua società, Schrøder Partners A/S. Nel 2015 ha venduto la sua azienda a BDO e vi ha lavorato per due anni prima di fondare Schrøder Translink A/S. L’azienda è specializzata in transazioni di M&A che coinvolgono piccole e medie imprese. Nel corso degli anni, Henrik ha partecipato personalmente a più di 150 transazioni, molte delle quali in collaborazione con i colleghi di Translink Corporate Finance. Hendrik siede inoltre nei consigli di amministrazione di diverse aziende. Ha concluso numerose operazioni di successo nel settore industriale ed è uno dei leader del nostro gruppo Industrial.”
Ha iniziato la sua carriera come analista finanziario presso MK Finance, completando successivamente il suo percorso formativo con un MBA presso la Georgia State University, ad Atlanta, USA. Nel 2011 ha co-fondato Financiere Monceau dove ha approfondito la conoscenza dei settori IT e dell’industria del food & beverage. Nel suo track-record ha completato diverse transazioni, sia buy-side che sell-side, sia con clienti francesi che stranieri. A Marc piace seguire lo sviluppo e la crescita di giovani start-up con idee innovative. Nel corso degli anni, ha partecipato a diverse transazioni in ambito IT, ed è a capo del nostro IT Industry Team.
Mal is an experienced CEO having led businesses such as Maytag, Strongform and Camfil. Previously Mal held senior roles with 3M, Southcorp Appliances and Southcorp Wines.
Mal’s business experience includes both corporate and private equity spanning a broad range of industries including industrial products, consumer appliances, wine, retail and import distribution.
Mal was the founding CEO of Strongform and partnered with ANZ Private Equity to complete several acquisitions.
Mal has a strong track record of growing businesses organically and through acquisition having completed numerous acquisitions throughout his career. Mal has a Dip. Accounting, a Dip. Marketing and an MBA.
Prior to founding Dinan & Company in 1988, Mike was employed by Young, Smith & Peacock, Inc., a NYSE member investment banking and brokerage firm, as Vice President – Corporate Finance in its Investment Banking Division, where he was involved in mergers and acquisitions, private placements, valuation analyses and other securities-related transactions. Previously, he worked for Angerman Incorporated, a West German investment banking firm, specializing in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Prior to that, he served as a Legislative Analyst for the Arizona State Senate Appropriations Committee. Mike holds a B.S., magna cum laude, in both Economics and International Business from Arizona State University.
Mohit has over a decade of middle-market M&A experience across multiple industry sectors. He joined Dinan & Company in 2004 and was instrumental in establishing Dinan Research Services (DRS), the firm’s India based research subsidiary. Mohit currently leads Dinan’s international expansion efforts, while also providing strategic support and direction to DRS, where he manages the execution of research projects for strategic and financial clients across all industry sectors. Mohit received his MBA, with honors and distinction, from the Thunderbird School of Global Management, and his undergraduate degree in Economics from the Barrett Honors College at Arizona State University. He is a member of our automotive and health industry groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Robert A. Ullman has been an advisor in Merger & Acquisition, Private Equity, Venture Capital and Turnaround and Restructuring transactions for over fifteen years. He is responsible for leading all aspects of engagements for the firm.
Prior to joining Dinan Capital Advisors, Mr. Ullman was employed by Navigant Capital Advisors, LLC the dedicated investment bank of Navigant Consulting (NYSE:NCI) as Vice President and Associate Director – Investment Banking and Restructuring. At Navigant he was the lead investment banker serving the West Coast focused on IT Software and Services, Energy, Healthcare and regulated Financial Institutions among other verticals. Mr. Ullman has a broad background in addition to Investment Banking, having worked as a design engineer and project manager, executive Chairman of a global, venture backed software company, and CFO of a well-known branded consumer products company.
Mr. Ullman holds a Masters of Business Administration, with High Honors, from the F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College and a B.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Robert A. Ullman has been an advisor in Merger & Acquisition, Private Equity, Venture Capital and Turnaround and Restructuring transactions for over fifteen years. He is responsible for leading all aspects of engagements for the firm.
Prior to joining Dinan Capital Advisors, Mr. Ullman was employed by Navigant Capital Advisors, LLC the dedicated investment bank of Navigant Consulting (NYSE:NCI) as Vice President and Associate Director – Investment Banking and Restructuring. At Navigant he was the lead investment banker serving the West Coast focused on IT Software and Services, Energy, Healthcare and regulated Financial Institutions among other verticals. Mr. Ullman has a broad background in addition to Investment Banking, having worked as a design engineer and project manager, executive Chairman of a global, venture backed software company, and CFO of a well-known branded consumer products company.
Mr. Ullman holds a Masters of Business Administration, with High Honors, from the F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College and a B.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.M
Since joining Dinan Capital Advisors in 2005 Mr. Downing has advised on a wide variety of middle market merger, acquisition and capital raising transactions across multiple industries including: Enterprise Software, IT Enabled Services, Financial Services, Industrial Manufacturing & Distribution, Consumer Products and Healthcare. He is responsible for leading all aspects of client engagements for the firm.
Prior to joining Dinan, Mr. Downing was employed as an Equity Research Analyst for StockVal, a subsidiary of Reuters (now Thompson Reuters Corporation), providing equity research, analytics and valuation products to institutional investors. Previously, Mr. Downing worked with a private investment group where he was responsible for originating, analyzing and trading investment grade commercial real estate whole loans through the secondary market. Mr. Downing began his career with American Express Financial Advisors.
Mr. Downing holds a B.S. in Business Administration with dual concentrations in Finance and Entrepreneurship from the University of the Pacific in California.
Mr. Gerlacher has been an advisor in mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance and restructurings for over 25 years. Mr. Gerlacher specializes in industry verticals including energy, diversified industrials and healthcare. He is responsible for leading all aspects of engagements for the firm.
Prior to joining Dinan Capital Advisors, Mr. Gerlacher was a Director in Merrill Lynch’s Energy Group and was a Managing Director and the head of the Energy M&A groups at BMO Capital Markets and SunTrust Robinson Humphrey. During his career, he has been instrumental in over 75 completed strategic transactions for clients in a wide variety of industries.
Mr. Gerlacher received a BBA degree, Magna Cum Laude, in Accounting from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA, High Honors, from the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.
Mr. Jacobs is a Principal in the Investment Banking Group, responsible for managing multiple client engagements across the healthcare, industrial, specialty business services and consumer/retail industries.
Prior to joining Dinan & Company in 2005 as an Associate in the Deal Origination Group, Mr. Jacobs was an Associate with J.P. Morgan Chase, where he provided private banking and lending services.
Mr. Jacobs received an MBA, magna cum laude, from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, and holds a B.S. with Honors in International Politics and Economics from the University of Utah.
Prior to joining Dinan & Company in 2005, Ms. Martinez was President of CARA Corp., an IT Consulting/Staffing firm. She organized and executed a successful management buyout from Spiegel in 1996, later selling the company to Affiliated Computer Services (now Xerox), and remaining as an executive with the organization. Ms. Martinez was involved with the sale of the IT Services division in 2000 to Monster Worldwide, a major internet/human capital management organization. She helped facilitate add-on acquisitions and participated in post-merger integrations. Prior to CARA, Ms. Martinez was employed in various marketing positions with Texas Instruments and NCR Corp.
Ms. Martinez received her MBA from George Washington University, and holds a B.S. degree in Business Administration from the University of Southern California.
Michael A. Pucci has a decade of experience providing Merger & Acquisition Advisory services to leading Entrepreneurs, Private Companies, and Private Equity Groups. As a Associate Director, he is responsible for managing all aspects of client engagements for the firm.
Prior to joining Dinan Capital Advisors, Mr. Pucci was a Associate Director in the Investment Banking Group of Dinan & Company, an investment bank that specializes in strategic consulting and buy-side M&A Advisory services to Private Equity Groups and Strategic Acquirers. At Dinan he was responsible for new business development, and leading client engagements across the Business Services, Healthcare, Education, Consumer Products and Industrial Products & Services verticals.
Previously, Michael was an Associate with Wells Fargo, where he was responsible for new business development and managing the investment, banking, and credit relationships of a portfolio of high-net-worth individuals and middle market businesses.
Mr. Pucci earned a B.S. in Economics from the University of Wisconsin.
Prior to founding Dinan & Company in 1988, Mike was employed by Young, Smith & Peacock, Inc., a NYSE member investment banking and brokerage firm, as Vice President – Corporate Finance in its Investment Banking Division, where he was involved in mergers and acquisitions, private placements, valuation analyses and other securities-related transactions. Previously, he worked for Angerman Incorporated, a West German investment banking firm, specializing in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Prior to that, he served as a Legislative Analyst for the Arizona State Senate Appropriations Committee. Mike holds a B.S., magna cum laude, in both Economics and International Business from Arizona State University.
Mr. Hawley is a Principal in the Investment Banking Group, responsible for managing multiple client engagements. Mr. Hawley has experience in a variety of industries including: energy, technology, healthcare, transportation and business services. Mr. Hawley is also responsible for assisting in the management of Dinan Valuation Services. In this capacity, Jason handles valuation of public and private companies, financial institutions, employee stock ownership plans, and other corporate entities.
Prior to joining Dinan and Company in 2008, Mr. Hawley was responsible for providing wealth management services for a major financial services firm.
Mr. Hawley received a Master’s Degree in Financial Risk Management from the Stern Business School at New York University, a B.A. in Mathematics from Arizona State University, and holds a Certified Valuation Analyst designation.
Mr. Reichard is Director of Business Development where he focuses on new client development.
Prior to joining Dinan & Company in 2000 as an Origination Associate and subsequently promoted to Vice President, Mr. Reichard was a Senior Associate for an M&A intermediary firm where he was recognized as Associate of the Year. During his tenure there, Mr. Reichard successfully completed several deals. He also played a vital role in business development of new industries for the firm.
Mr. Reichard holds a B.A. in Sociology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Kelly joined Dinan & Company in 1995. Mr. Kelly has contributed to the significant growth of the firm and became a Principal in 1999. In his role as Executive Vice President, he is involved in various management and strategic planning roles in addition to working with high level strategic and financial clients.
Prior to joining Dinan & Company, Mr. Kelly was an Investment Manager for The Foundation Companies, where he was responsible for private equity investments in real estate and operating companies. Previously, Mr. Kelly was an industrial/investment specialist with Grubb & Ellis Company, a leading commercial properties firm.
Mr. Kelly holds a B.S. in Business Administration from Arizona State University.
Mr. Calderone joined Dinan & Company in 2003. He spent his first 3 years at Dinan & Company in the Firm’s Deal Origination Group where he sourced over 300 proprietary deals. He was then promoted to Principal and joined the Firm Investment Banking Group, where he focuses his time on helping clients execute on their acquisition search strategies. Mr. Calderone has experience in a variety of industries including; technology, healthcare, transportation and business services.
Prior to joining Dinan & Company, Mr. Calderone was an Account Executive at Citistreet, L.L.C., a financial planning firm, where he worked with individual investors to develop strategies for retirement and estate planning, as well as portfolio selection and management. Previously, Mr. Calderone was a Senior Investment Specialist with Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., as well as a Financial Advisor with American Express Financial Advisors.
Mr. Calderone holds a B.S. in Finance from Arizona State University and is a CFA charter holder.
Lisa B. Kaufman has been an advisor in Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity transactions for over 25 years. She is responsible for leading all aspects of engagements for the firm.
Prior to joining Dinan Capital Advisors, Ms. Kaufman served as Managing Director of leading New York and Chicago based middle market M&A firms and as Managing Partner of Northlight Capital, where she led the firm’s consumer products, food and beverage and ecommerce/technology teams.Prior to Northlight, she co-founded and served as EVP of Strategy and Acquisitions for a leading national technology company where she raised $250 million in capital. Previously, she co-founded Bank of America’s mergers and acquisitions group (then Continental Bank) and served as Managing Director and Group Head of Bank of America’s Initiated Transactions Group where she advised corporate and private equity clients on divestitures, exclusive sales and acquisitions. She co-founded Deloitte’s first US M&A business in Chicago and began her career in Deloitte’s London office where she advised on cross-border M&A transactions.
Ms. Kaufman holds a Masters of Business Administration with Honors from the University of Chicago-Booth School of Business and a Bachelors in Business Administration with Distinction from the University of Michigan-Ross School of Business.
Mr. Negi is the Country Manager for Dinan & Company in India. He leads our India operations and also heads Dinan Research Services. Mr. Negi comes with several years of industry experience at various Management Consulting firms. Prior to joining Dinan & Company, Mr. Negi played a critical role in developing the Knowledge Management practice at Egon Zehnder International. He was instrumental in rolling out and managing business intelligence services out of the Egon Zehnder’s shared services center. Previously he was with the Chicago based boutique firm, Gerson Lehrman Group, and was also part of the pilot team of Heidrick & Struggle’s knowledge management center in India. Through his career, Mr. Negi has worked with Clients in India, the US and Europe and has also written several reports on topics such as innovation, diversity, gaming and the casino industry in Asia, human capital trends, compensation trends of board members etc.
Mr. Negi holds a B.B.A. degree with HR & Finance specialization and a Law Degree from the University of Delhi.
Jeff is a member of CPA Australia, has a Bachelor of Business Degree and a Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance and Investment.
He has a strong background in commerce including around 16 years in senior Accounting, Finance and Company Secretarial positions in a number of public listed companies. These were involved in mining, exploration, resources services, merchant banking, stockbroking, insurance broking, R&D and manufacturing.
Jeff has a great deal of experience in public company takeovers and large business sales and acquisitions, and valuations across a wide range of industries.
Jeff has been with Mergers & Acquisitions for 15 years and specialises in large business sales across all industries.
Hilit is a co-founder and partner at ‘Head-On Marketing & Business Navigation’, a leading Israeli firm advising companies and organizations in M&A transactions (sell-side and buy-side), growth strategies, sales and marketing and business development. She has over 20 years’ management consultancy and corporate finance experience. Hilit has expertise in accompanying and leading management teams in strategic change processes in organizations. She is a member of our food, IT and logistics industry groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Doron has over 30 years’ management consultancy and corporate finance experience. He is a co-founder and partner at ‘Head-On Marketing & Business Navigation’, a leading Israeli firm advising companies and organizations in M&A transactions (sell-side and buy-side), growth strategies, sales and marketing and business development. Doron has completed dozens of transactions across variety of industries, most of them cross-border transactions. Doron is a board member of several Israeli companies. He is a member of our food, health and industrials groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Manuel has been working for more than 10 years as Managing Director in Latin America, leading organizations and high performance food and beverage industry teams, achieving consistently growth and profitability goals. He has extensive experience in setting up companies, developing new markets and introducing new concepts and products at international level. He has been working in the Investment Banking and Mergers & Acquisitions area for many years. Manuel is fluent in English and Spanish.
Javier has wide experience in International Banking; representing foreign Banks and Financial institutions during the last 15 years, and performing tasks in Private Banking, Corporate Finance, Structural Financing of International trade and Investment Banking activities. Javier represented Bank von Ernst of Switzerland in Peru, and the Private Bank of HypoVereinsbank (today Unicredit), fulfilling functions of Financial Institutions, Corporate and Export Credit Agencies (ECAs). Javier studied Economy in the Universidad del Pacifico, and he did an International Bank and Corporate Financing expertise in Munich, Germany. Javier speaks English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Cecilia has extensive experience in Corporate finance. She has been working as Director at Darwin Capital Markets, Miami, Senior Consultant at Coutts Bank, Miami, VP Corporate Finance at Centrica Securities, Miami, VP Corporate Finance Latin America at ING Barings, New York, and within the Management Information Consulting Division of Arthur Andersen, Lima Peru. Cecilia joined B.A.M&A in 2010 as Associate Partner. She is a U.S.A., Peruvian and Swiss citizen, and fluent in English and Spanish.
Eduardo joined BAMA on 2012 as an Associate Partner and has extensive experience in the Financial Industry covering the Latin American market. Prior to joining BAMA, Eduardo held managerial positions and developed a successful business in various institutions such as Banco Santander, Lehman Brothers, American Express Bank, London & Capital and Global Investor Services. He also founded some independent advisory firms to cater to the independent advisor throughout the Latin American region providing a trading platform for them to develop their business. He holds a MBA in Finance from Bentley University in Boston, Massachusetts (USA) and speaks English, Spanish and is proficient in German.
Alejandro, co-founder and partner of SFA Consultores, has extensive experience in Mergers & Acquisitions. He has collaborated in transactions in the range of US$7 MM to US$450 MM in industries such as pharmaceutical, trading, ports, direct sales, mining, financial services, IT, software and health. Before founding SFA Consultores, he was vice-president of Mergers and Acquisitions at Grupo Financiero Bancomer. Alejandro has an MBA from ITAM and he has a B.S. in actuarial sciences from Universidad Anáhuac México Sur. He speaks Spanish, English and French
Horacio, Managing Director of Translink Corporate Finance in Mexico and Managing Partner of SFA Consultores, has extensive experience in Mergers & Acquisitions. He pioneered and led for six years the Mergers and Acquisitions division of Grupo Financiero Bancomer, the largest Mexican financial services group. Then, in 1997, Alejandro Frías and him founded SFA Consultores, a financial advisory firm. He has collaborated in transactions in the range of US$10 MM to US$700 MM in industries such as power generation, pharmaceutical, trading, ports, direct sales, mining, financial services, IT, software and health. He has a Postgraduate degree in Economics and Statistics from American University (Washington) and an MBA from the University of Chicago. He studied a B.A. Social Science at ITAM
Rafael has many years of experience as investment banker and corporate finance advisor. He has been working independently and for Inversiones Filigrana, Partner Valfinanzas (Investment banking boutique), SAB Miller PLC as Regional Integration Director and Grupo Empresarial Bavaria as Regional Planning Director. In 2013 he joined B.A.M&A as Associate Partner. Rafael is fluent in English and Spanish.
Jose, associate partner of B.A.M&A has a vast experience both as Regional Director in Multinational companies (Grupo Bertelsmann, DuPont and Grupo Carvajal) and as entrepreneur with his own company as representative of several US and European Companies focused to the Packaging printing sector;he has joined B.A.M&A since December 2014 ;he holds a diploma of Industrial Engineer from Universidad Javeriana , master degree in Finance from Universidad de los Andes and several other Marketing courses from American Universities. He speaks fluently Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Bruno has extensive experience in Food industry. He had worked for Nestle do Brasil Mc Cain Canada and Marfrig Alimentos as Executive manager before joining B.A.M&A as associate partner. Bruno is fluent in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.
Paulo has a grounded experience in the beverages sector in Latin America. He worked at Diageo Paraguay as Country Manager and at Gilbey S.A. Uruguay as Executive, Manager, Responsible for sales and marketing. Before 90’s he worked at Hero, Mc Cormick do Brasil S.A., Colgate Palmolive and Refinações de Milho Brasil always in managerial positions. He is an associate partner of B.A.M&A since 2010. Paulo is fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
Francisco has extensive and grounded experience in Chemical industry. He started his career at Rhodia Colombia and since then he has built his professional path through Chemical sector ending in the mexican Grupo Pochteca Brazil where he worked as General Manager. In 2013 he has joined B.A.M&A as Associate Partner. Francisco is fluent in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French.
Tommaso served as professional in the consulting and Finance sectors. In the 90’s worked at Bain and Company and Value Partners, (Roma and São Paulo) as Management Consultant and at Credit Lyonnais as credit analysis and commercial banking. As an entrepreneur, joined CV Business Development (São Paulo) as a partner and Lead Consultant and B.A.M&A (São Paulo) as partner. He is fluent in Portuguese, French, English, Spanish and Italian. Tommaso is a member of our automotive, food and logistics industry groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Norbert has a grounded and extensive experience in Corporate Finance . He worked at CMP Capital Management Partners GmbH, Berlin (Turnaround Private Equity Fund – Investment Manager) and WestLB Panmure Ltd., Berlin, London and New York – Executive, Manager, Assistant Director and Director (Head) – Corporate Finance Advisory / M&A. Norbert is a German citizen and is fluent in German, English and Spanish.
Founder of B.A.M&A the Latin America partner of Translink, Pedro has extensive experience in the areas of finance, investments, business development, restructuring, and general management. Member of several Boards of Directors, worked in multinational companies both in Latin America and the USA (Ford, Mack a.o.). Founded FINANCONSULT S.A. a finance services Co for mid market, and also successfully co-developed and sold the retail chain GAZEBO. Together with 2 Citibankers, he founded B.A.M&A in 1997 joining Translink in 2005. Co-Founder in 1998 of Criterium Management Group, a company crisis management and turnaround firm. Pedro is both Argentinean and EU citizen, fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
Mario has a vast experience in finance sector. Before enetring B.A.M&A as Partner some 10 years ago, he worked for Coopers & Lybrand as Financial Consultant, Ministry of Economy and as the Director of the area of Financial Advisory Services at PWC. Mario, Argentinian citizen, is fluent in Spanish and English.
Sally started off as a Chartered Accountant and has been active in Corporate Finance since 2002. She has a track record of a wide variety of transactions, many cross-border – largely with the US. Being a founding partner of Provantage Corporate Finance, an owner-managed business, Sally completely understands that a clients’ decision to sell their business wholly or even partially is never taken lightly and works tirelessly to achieve a successful result. She is a member of our industrials group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
David has over 25 years’ corporate finance experience, and has worked with more than 400 business owners to complete over 200 deals worth more than £2bln across the globe. As well as a Big 4 and mid-tier background, David has also worked as a commercial director and shareholder within a global private equity backed business and acted as a principal in both acquiring and disposing of that business. He has a strong track record of establishing and growing leading and award-winning corporate finance teams. David is a founding partner at Provantage Corporate Finance. He is a member of our IT industry group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Will joined BHP Corporate Finance in 2015 and has a wide range of experience including advising on global disposal processes, private equity investments; MBOs; and supporting businesses through forecasting, business planning and securing growth capital.
With over 12 years’ experience of mid-market transactions including management buyouts, corporate mergers & acquisitions, strategic & corporate advisory, raising development capital, business valuations and corporate disposals. Matt was awarded Emerging Dealmaker of the year at the 2016 Sheffield City Region Insider Dealmakers Awards. He is a member of our logistics industry group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Efsane has more than 27 years of extensive experience in wide range of corporate finance activities including equity and debt securities issues, mergers and acquisitions, privatization advisory, private sector and venture capital advisory. Efsane started her career at İşbank Capital Markets Department in 1992 and continued her career at İş Investment Corporate Finance between 1996-2019. During that period, has been involved in more than 100 M&A projects, lead many blue-chip company IPOs’ and privatization projects. Efsane holds an MBA from Bilgi University, BA from Marmara University and Sociology from Istanbul University She also completed the Young Managers Program at INSEAD. Efsane is a member of our food and health industry groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Eser has more than eighteen years of extensive experience working with clients on mergers and acquisitions, financial structuring, turnaround management, large scale transformation, business process optimization and implementation. Prior to joining Anafina Capital Partners, Eser held the General Manager role with a USD 20 million/year firm in Istanbul, Turkey where he led the turnaround management followed by divestiture of the business. In addition he has over 10 years of management consulting experience in the U.S.A. with Booz Allen Hamilton (now PwC) and General Electric. Eser holds an MBA from Rice University in Houston, Texas, MSc degree from Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas and BSc degree from Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey. He is a member of our automotive and industrials groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Daniel Dolz holds a MSc in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalunya. He is an alumni of the Unitech International Society being the ETH Zurich his alma mater. In 2019 he obtained a degree in Applied Business Analytics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Throughout his career, Daniel Dolz has gained insight to several industries while serving in leading firms, where he focused on digital strategy and development of emerging technologies. Before joining Gut Corporate Finance in December 2021, Daniel Dolz contributed to the exit of a tech startup, acting as its COO. He is born in Barcelona, having a dual citizenship, Swiss and Spanish.
Alex founded Gut Corporate Finance on 1 July 2007. In his role as corporate finance advisor, he serves a wide range of public and private companies in various industries.
His experience covers the entire corporate finance spectrum leading projects in the areas of mergers & acquisitions, valuation, strategic analyses, financing, and restructuring.
Prior to founding Gut Corporate Finance, Alex worked for Big 4 firms for over 16 years, advising national and international banking and insurance clients in Zurich and London. He was a member of the executive management of a Big 4 firm in Switzerland responsible for the Swiss-wide Financial Services practice.
Alex studied at the University of Zurich and graduated in 1995 with a PhD in business. He started his professional career as an accountant and qualified as a Swiss Certified Accountant (dipl. Wirtschaftsprüfer) in 1996.
Experience as Controller for The Kanthal Corp, USA, and Controller for Lindéngruppen AB, CEO for Becker Industrial Coatings AB, CEO for Creando AB, and COO for Attendo Senior Care AB. Has worked with M&A since 2003. Degree in Business Administration and Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics and MBA degree from the University of Rhode Island. Per-Olof is a member of our health industry group, having closed several transactions in this sector. He is a member of our health industry group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Fredrik has been working as sales manager since 2008. In 2017 he joined Anecta, as a Senior Associate, becoming Partner in 2019. He holds a M.Sc. Fredrik is a member of our IT industry group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Sergi has over 5 years of work experience in M&A. Throughout his career, Sergi has participated in cross-border transactions in different sectors such as IT (SaaS, BPO, e-commerce, ERP), Healthcare, and Industrials. Prior to joining Translink Corporate Finance, Sergi developed his professional career at BBVA and Crea Inversión. He is also Associate Professor of Finance in Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).
He holds a BBA from Universitat de Barcelona (UB), a MSc in Corporate Finance from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and a Summer School stage in the London School of Economics (LSE), where he undertook courses of business analysis and valuation. Sergi passed the second level of the CFA Institute program.
Francesc has over 3 years of work experience in M&A. Throughout his career, Francesc has participated in transactions both nationally and internationally. Prior to joining Translink Corporate Finance, Francesc developed his professional career at Deloitte and Crea Inversión.
He holds a degree in International Business Economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), with an exchange program at Boston College, and a MSc in Finance from ESADE Business School.
Marcos has over 3 years of work experience in M&A. He also has been involved in strategic consulting projects for the NGO BAIF in India and has experience as a Research Assistant at CEMFI. Prior to joining Translink Corporate Finance, Marcos developed his professional career at Crea Inversión in the M&A team. He is also Associate Professor of Economics in Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).
He holds a degree in Economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), with an exchange programme at University of Warwick, and a MSc in Economics from University College London (UCL), where he obtained a fully funded scholarship by Fundación Ramón Areces.
Daniel has over 14 years of work experience in international trade and finance and investment banking, specializing in the execution of cross border transactions with US, European and Latin American clients. He has experience advising on transactions in the TMT, healthcare, financial institution and real estate sectors among others.
He joined Translink as a Director in 2021. Previously, Daniel held various positions in PwC Mexico’s Corporate Finance team as well as in Fimecap Investment Banking (an investment banking boutique based in Mexico City).
Daniel holds a degree in History from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and an MBA from Instituto Panamericano de Administración y Dirección de Empresas (IPADE).
Oscar has over 10 years of work experience in audit, transaction services and investment banking and is specialised in debt advisory transactions. Throughout his career, Oscar has participated in transactions in different sectors such as industrials, business services, retail and packaging. Prior to joining WindCorp Translink, Oscar held various positions within KPMG, EY, Credit Suisse and Houlihan Lokey in Spain and UK. In addition to corporate finance services, Oscar will provide debt advisory services across the Translink group.
He holds a degree in Business Administration from Universidad de Barcelona and an MBA from IESE Business School.
Tran-Minh has over 17 years of professional experience and specialises in financial-strategic advisory, especially focused on transactions and restructuring cases in international contexts. Throughout his career, he has advised a large number of operations in various sectors such as industry, technology, FMCG and logistics. He joined WindCorp as a partner in 2021. Previously, he was the director responsible of the Barcelona-based office at the financial and strategic consulting firm Accuracy. He previously spent his career in Corporate Finance at EY and BDO. Tran-Minh holds a Master in Management from Toulouse Business School (France) and an MBA from Walton College (USA).
Josep Pere has over 25 years of professional experience and is specialized in corporate mergers, acquisitions and strategic and financial consultancy. He joined WindCorp as a Partner in 2019. Previously, he was Partner at AddVANTE M&A for 19 years. Josep Pere holds a Degree in Economics and Business Administration and a Postgraduate PhD courses in Strategic Maps (UB). He is a member of our IT and health industry groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
José M. has over 20 years of professional experience in corporate finance, advising and being involved in M&A and investment management transactions. He has advised numerous transactions in sectors such as food, business services, healthcare, environmental services and specialized distribution. José M. is a WindCorp partner. He was a founding partner at Clairfield Partners, international Corporate Finance firm, and Danube Property Advisors, which manages real estate investment funds. He graduated in Business Administration from the University of Buckingham (UK) and holds a Masters Degree in Finance from the University of Deusto. He is a member of our logistics and food industry groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Oscar has over 22 years of professional experience and is specialized in corporate mergers and acquisitions and business strategy, both nationally and internationally. He has extensive experience in the industrial and services sector. He is a WindCorp partner since 2013. He previously held various positions at Barclays Bank, AB Advisors, Morgan Stanley and Alta Partners. Oscar has a Degree in Economics and Business Administration (UAB) and an MBA from IESE. He is a member of our industrials group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Mikołaj has over 10 years of experience in M&A advisory, previously working for the international consulting companies KPMG and Grant Thornton. He graduated from the Poznań University of Economics and holds a master’s degree in capital investments and financial strategies of enterprise. Mikołaj also graduated from ISCTE in Lisbon focusing on Corporate Finance. He is a member of our logistics and IT industry groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Stefan, Partner, has 25 years of experience in M&A, capital raising and business development advisory for Polish owner –managers, private equity funds and foreign direct investors, successfully completing scores of assignments over the years. Before joining Maciej at Holon in 2011, he worked as an interim manager for external development projects through the 2000s. In the 1990s we worked for six years at Central Europe Trust, and four years at Deutsche Bank, in London and Warsaw. He graduated in Modern History from Oxford University in 1989, and has been working ever since. To support his role at Holon, Stefan also writes a monthly M&A column for In his spare time he is a keen art historian and collector. Stefan is a member of our food and health industry groups, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Jacek has close to 30 years of experience in managing private equity, advising in M&A transactions, strategic consulting, project finance and business angel investing. He was partner at ARX Equity, a firm managing private equity funds investing in Poland and other CEE countries, investor at Hedgehog business angel fund, partner heading corporate finance practice in the Warsaw office of Arthur Andersen and director of department responsible for initial public offerings, sale of large companies and sectoral privatization at the Polish Ministry of Privatization. He graduated from the Department of Foreign Trade at SGPiS (now SGH/Warsaw School of Economics) and attended several professional trainings and courses on capital markets, M&A, valuations and management. He is a member of our automotive and industrials groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Maciej has over twenty years of experience in equity transactions, mergers and acquisitions, as well as market entry strategies for foreign investors. Before founding Holon Consultants in 2002, he was a Manager in a British management consultancy company – Central Europe Trust. He held UNIDO lectures and training programmes for Polish companies. He graduated in Physics from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow and Heidelberg University. He holds a PhD in Nuclear Physics. He completed his post-graduate studies in the World Economy Department at Warsaw School of Economics. Maciej is keen on fine-art photography both as photographer and collector. He is a member of our food, logistics and health industry groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Sander holds a Master in Finance from the International University of Monaco with specialization in Private Equity, and a Bachelor in Finance from BI Business School, Oslo. Alongside his studies, he has worked at Svea Finans and participated in the CFA Research Challenge.
Mr. Helgesen has 15 years of management experience in Orkla Media; Corporate Development, Financial Director and Dir. Digital Media. He has additional experience from Boston Corporate and Aratos. Knut is a member of our IT industry group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Hans Henrik has 15 years of industrial management experience from IT companies such as Telenor, Amdocs and Hewlett-Packard. He has 15 years of transaction experience from Investment Banks and M&A boutique including Bryan Garnier & Co, Beringer Finance and Weibull, where he has completed +30 transactions in the areas of Business and Information Services in Norway / the Nordic region. Hans Henrik possesses a large network within the IT sector in the Nordics and is member of our IT industry group. He holds an MBA from Norwegian School of Economics HH and Bachler of Electronics & Communication Engineering from the University of Bristol.
Karl-Børre has about 20 years of experience from Orkla and Carlsberg, where he has had positions as sales and marketing director, purchasing and logistics director as well as director of new business. The last 10 years he has been director in business development, and has done several acquisitions in the Nordics (including Jordan and Cederroth) and integrated them in Orkla. In addition, he has Board experience from Asia. Karl-Børre holds a Master of Science in Industrial Economics from NTNU and a MBA from Netherlands and USA. He is a member of our food industry group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Mr. Larsen worked for Orkla (16 years) specializing in SVP Business Dev. Orkla Food Ingredients, sales and marketing direction in Denofa and Idun Industri. He was a sales manager at Bjørge Offshore, cost and planning engineer Saga Petroleum. He has 15 years of M&A experience from Orkla Corp. Dev. and Synergos. Leif is a member of our food industry group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Mareike joined Translink in 2017. She graduated from the University of Passau with a Master in International Economics and Business. She has gained expertise on several buy- and sell-side transactions and supports the team in financial modelling, market analysis and the preparation of marketing materials. She is part of our industrials group.
Carsten joined Translink in 2019 and supports the team in various financial, market and competitive analysis. He holds a Master of Science in Business Administration and has already gained experience in corporate finance and especially M&A through several internships during his studies. He is part of our automotive industry group.
Juuso has been working in M&A since 2017. Prior to joining Translink he worked at Deloitte and OP Corporate Bank. His expertise includes the crafting of investment stories, financial modelling and business model analysis. Moreover, Juuso is proficient in debt structuring and leveraged buyouts. Juuso holds an M.Sc. (Econ.) from the University of Vaasa.
Ruben has been working in M&A since 2017. In addition to financial analysis and preparing high quality sales materials, Ruben actively takes part in project management and sales. Prior to joining Translink, Ruben worked in business and technology consulting at Accenture. Ruben holds an M.Sc. (Econ.) from Åbo Akademi.
Pontus Backlund has been working with M&A since 2006. He has advised Finnish entrepreneurs, international corporations and private equities and executed numerous cross-border M&A transactions. He has also advised companies in their IPO processes. Pontus holds an M.Sc. (Tech.) from Aalto University and an M.Sc. from Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki. He is a member of our IT group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Sami has more than 20 years of experience in investment banking. Before joining Translink, he spent 12 years in London executing transactions at Credit Suisse, Pöyry Capital and SEB. In Finland, he has worked at Merita, RBS and Sisu Partners. Sami was also the CEO of Nordic Trustee in Finland, participating in over 50 bond structures with over 4 billion of capital. His Uusi Neuvotteluvalta – You get what you negotiate, not what you deserve (WSOY) was the most popular audio business book in Finland for almost three months in 2019. He has also co-authored two economic books for the Libera Foundation. Sami holds an M.Sc. (Econ.) from Helsinki School of Economics, an MBA from Tulane University and is a CFA. He is a member of our industrial group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Jari Lauriala has worked since 2000 in the investment banking sector advising leading Finnish and international corporations, private equity funds and financial institutions in a broad range of domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions and finance transactions. His expertise includes venture capital and private equity transactions, leveraged financing arrangements, complex security issues, IPOs, structuring and establishment of private equity funds and structuring and negotiating investments into target companies. He has published several books and articles. Jari holds an LL.M and an MBA from Aalto University. He is a member of our health industry group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Claus holds an engineering degree within energy transformation, thermo dynamics and electronics. He has a background with more than 15 years of experience with executive management in companies as Nilfisk Advance, Philips and Maxon Telecom. From 2001 until now he has worked within corporate finance, first as CEO for a Danish Venture fund and from 2007 he joined Translink Corporate Finance as partner in the Danish Office Schrøder Translink A/S. From 2015 until 2017 Claus was member of the BDO corporate finance. Claus has participated in many transactions within TMT, general industry among others. Claus is member of the Translink industry groups covering Logistics and IT.
Dr Tai is Trinergy’s Hong Kong Representative and a Director of Trinergy’s IT M&A unit. He holds a PhD in Finance from the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and a master’s degree in Control Engineering and Operation Research from Cambridge University. Dr Tai has over 20 years of senior and general management experience in the IT industry with Alphasem Ag, Tec-sem Group, QC Solutions, and Kras Asia in the Asian Pacific area.
Dr Lai graduated from the Law School of Peking University, Schulich School of Business at the York University of Canada, and received a PhD in Economics (Finance) from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He has extensive experience in international business development and investment with Jardine Matheson and HSBC Securities (Canada).
George graduated from Cornell University with an MBA from New York University. He has over 30 years of banking and investment banking experience obtained from First Interstate Bank, Lloyds Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, and China Development Industrial Bank. Before founding Trinergy Finance in 2007 and Trinergy M&A Advisory in 2010, George was General Manager of CDIB’s project finance and overseas investment units, where he managed a $1.5 billion direct investment portfolio, and served on the boards of Japan’s Century Security, Indonesia’s Ciptadana Security, Thailand’s Bangkok First Investment Trust, and CDIB Asset Management Companies at Hong Kong, Korea and the USA. George is the Managing Director at Trinergy.
Rebecca si è laureata all’Università di Studi Internazionali di Shanghai e ha conseguito un master in English Education e traduzione avanzata. Ha ricevuto una doppia laurea in Accounting dallo Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade. Rebecca ha una vasta esperienza di progetti all’estero e ha lavorato per KPMG come revisore e consulente prima di entrare in Trinergy. Rebecca è a capo del nostro gruppo Healthcare e membro dei nostri gruppi Food e Industrials.
Janet has a BS in journalism from Chengchi University, an MS degree in computer science from CSU and an EMBA from National Taiwan University. Before joining Trinergy in 2011, Janet worked as a systems analyst for IBM, APL, and ARCO in the USA. She has also worked as a PR and marketing manager for Trans Asia Airways in Taiwan, a senior consultant for the Blue Focus and Dream Work PR firms, and a consulting director for McGraw Hill’s Aviation Week in Shanghai. Janet is a Director at Trinergy responsible for business development. She is a member of our logistics, food, and IT groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Dr Li holds a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National University of Singapore, and master and bachelor’s degrees in Materials Science and Polymer Materials from Tongji University. He has a strong engineering background, from Singapore Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing, and China’s Neusoft and Pengxin Groups. He also has strong investment and financing experience. He has been responsible for closing more than a dozen domestic and foreign M&A projects with a value of over RMB5bn. Dr Li is the author of “Guidebook for Investment M&A along with the ‘Belt and Road’ Countries”. He is a member of our IT industry group.
Rouhan received his bachelor’s degree from Nankai University and master’s degree from the University of Southern California. Before joining Trinergy, he worked at a CPA firm in Southern California, leading its business valuation department, and was involved in its individual and business tax practices. Rouhan passed all three levels of the CFA exam.
Hairong graduated from Sun Yat-sen University with a bachelor’s degree in English and an MS degree in accountancy from Maastricht University. Before Trinergy, she worked at a certified tax firm, responsible for tax consulting over cross-border investment and auditing projects of corporate income tax. She then worked at Thomson Reuters as a financial market data analyst. Hairong is a member of our logistics, industrials, and IT groups.
Marcela has extensive experience in M&A transactions and financial consultancy, focused in corporate finance. During the last years she has been involved in various financial transactions exceeding US$ 3 billion. She holds a BA in Business Administration (Universidad de Chile), and is post graduated in Top Mgmt Program from ESE Business School (IESE/Harvard related BS). Marcela is also member of the first Dispute Board for public concessions for the Chilean Government and for years was Managing Partner at Link Capital, a Financial Advisory firm. Top Female Executive nominated 2013 by Who’s Who organization, Marcela is fluent in Spanish and English
Daniel served as professional and executive in areas of corporate finance, investments, projects and taxes, and later as a member in several Boards of Directors in companies such as Distribuidora Ancap SA (DASA), Teledoce Televisora Larrañaga SA, Laboratorios Roemmers SA, Zonamerica Ltd, Equital Televisora (Cable), Terminal Cuenca del Plata SA.
Uruguayan Delegate at the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland) from 1997 to 2002 Academic Activity: Chair of Corporate Finance in Universidad Catolica del Uruguay (UCUDAL) where since 1998, in charge of both graduate and postgraduate courses.
Daniel joined B.A.M&A in 2010, and is fluent in English and Spanish.
Tero’s experience in corporate finance and advisory is vast. Before founding Translink Finland, he worked as an Investment Manager at the firm PCA Infocom Finance Oy. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of Translink International AG, which coordinates the Translink group’s international operations. Tero holds an M.Sc. (Tech.) from the University of Tampere and an MBA from Virginia Tech. He is a member of our M&A Automotive and M&A IT groups and has closed several transactions in these sectors.
Andreas, Managing Partner di Translink Corporate Finance in Germania, ha maturato una profonda esperienza sia in ruoli imprenditoriali che consulenziali in Germania e nell’Europa centrale e orientale. Ha sviluppato un’azienda di moda internazionale in Germania con filiali in tutta l’Europa orientale; in seguito ha fondato una società di consulenza specializzata in strategie di internazionalizzazione per aziende tedesche. Negli ultimi anni ha partecipato a numerose transazioni di M&A in Germania e all’estero. Laureato in Economia all’Università di Friburgo (Svizzera), parla tedesco, inglese, spagnolo e francese. Ha partecipato a diverse operazioni nel settore della logistica ed è a capo del nostro gruppo M&A Logistics.
With broad experience in M&A, Maurits’s career has seen him practice Dutch Corporate Recovery & Insolvency law at a top-five law firm. Furthermore, he has been involved in advising company owners and boards of directors on a wide range of Dutch and Flemish cross-border M&A deals, such as disposals, acquisitions, and buy-outs. He is a non-executive director of several private companies and foundations. Maurits studied at the University of Amsterdam, with a degree in Business Law and Business Administration. He is a member of our M&A Logistics group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
With over 15 years of corporate finance and private equity experience in emerging markets, John has executed countless transactions in Africa, China, and India. Before joining Translink, he was the Africa manager for a London-listed Sino-India-based private equity fund and partner in an emerging market-focused private equity fund in China, Africa, and India. He also built and exited two successful technology start-ups. He has executed transactions in the technology, industrial, media, renewable energy, and natural resource sectors. He is fluent in English and Afrikaans and is currently learning Mandarin. He is a member of our M&A IT, M&A Food and M&A Logistics groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Ross is the founder of Mergers & Acquisitions 25 years ago. He had previously held senior positions in sales and marketing with a number of world leading companies and worked out of the UK, South Africa and Australia.
Following accounting and legal studies, Ross started one of Australia’s largest business broking operations that he later sold to a public listed company. He has also been the initiator of both a franchised food company with several outlets as well as the founder of a business matching start up companies, with seed capital investors, called Equity Match.
Ross has attended conferences around the world on subjects that impact upon the M&A industry and has been a regular lecturer and trainer on the subject.
Michael Anderson CA (SA) has 20 years of experience as a Chief Financial Officer, a Director of Companies and as a consultant. Michael has a strong understanding of business strategy and corporate finance together with an ability to grasp the fundamentals of any business or sector. He has served in several executive positions, among others at the European office of Ogilvy & Mather (WPP Group plc) and Old Mutual Plc. Michael has executed transactions in the financial services, banking, media, agricultural, mining and property sectors. He is a member of our industrials and healthcare industry groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Antoine Moser has more than 25 years of experience in corporate development and mergers & acquisitions (M&A). He studied at the University of Delft and complemented his education with an MBA of IMD in Lausanne. In his role after that as business developer and M&A dealmaker within various large international corporates he has built up hands-on experience in managing many cross-border M&A projects in various industry sectors such as Chemistry, ICT, BP Outsourcing and TIC (testing, inspection and certification).
With his technology background and several high-tech start-up experiences Antoine specifically has a great affinity with technology driven sectors allowing him to efficiently generate as a “rainmaker” relevant deals from the buying, selling or financing side. He is a member of our IT and health industry groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Lina ha iniziato la sua carriera nell’ufficio di Parigi della società di Private Equity 3i. Successivamente, ha co-fondato Broadmark, una boutique di consulenza M&A che nel 2005 è diventata partner francese di Translink. Ha diretto le operazioni francesi di Translink per 10 anni. Recentemente è entrata a far parte di Translink Belgio come partner ed è ora basata a Bruxelles. Dal 1990, Lina assiste le aziende e i loro azionisti in una vasta gamma di transazioni francesi e cross-border, tra cui acquisizioni, cessioni, LBO e collocamenti privati.
Ha lavorato per aziende di medie dimensioni e multinazionali, società di private equity e proprietari privati in vari settori, tra cui il trasporto e la logistica e i servizi di ingegneria. Lina è membro del consiglio di amministrazione di Unima, un’azienda a conduzione familiare che opera nell’acquacoltura di gamberi nell’Oceano Indiano e distribuisce i suoi prodotti in Europa e Asia. Lina ha partecipato a diverse transazioni nel settore della logistica ed è a capo del nostro gruppo Logistics.
Maarten has worked in the Mergers and Acquisitions area for over 15 years and assisted corporates with a large number of (international) transactions. Maarten holds degrees in Finance & Business Administration and has a broad experience in all aspects of Financial Management and Merger & Acquisitions. Before joining Translink he was Executive Vice President and board member at Barentz and (amongst others) led the M&A activity of this Group. For which he managed multiple M&A deals accros the globe.
Apart from his financial skills he brings fast experience in the Life science industry (Food / Pharma / Personal Care and Animal Nutrition). Maarten is a member of our food and health industry groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
Dick has a lot of experience as an entrepreneur and executive. He achieved his business studies and MBA degree from Nyenrode Business University and has been active as a CEO and in commercial and general management positions within several firms. His specialties are negotiations, creating self-steering teams, revenue & profit growth and team development primarily for the agriculture, food, feed, additives and trading industry. He also has a strong practical experience in mergers and acquisitions. Dick has participated in various deals within the food sector and is member of our food industry group.
Jamy has a master degree in tax and accountancy and over 18 years’ of work experience. He started his career at the audit firm Kompaan Accountants. Later he moved on to BGH Accountants & Tax advisors and then joined Kanters as controller in the construction and building industry. After that he became CFO at Flowfirm in the F&B industry.
During that period Jamy has been managing due diligences and started working with Translink on several M&A projects. He also is a non executive member at several real estate companies.
He is mainly involved with due diligence analysis, attracting risk-bearing capital and the valuation of companies for the benefit of acquisitions and sales mandates.
Michiel Buijs studied Business Economics at Tilburg University. He started his career at Witlox van den Boomen Corporate Finance and joined Translink as an analyst in 2016. He is mainly involved with market and business analysis, approaching potential buyers and sellers, attracting risk-bearing capital, restructuring balance sheets and the valuation of companies for the benefit of acquisitions and sale mandates.
Thomas studied at SME Business School and is active as an Analyst with Translink Benelux where he is mainly involved with market and business analysis.
Christian has been involved in M&A since the late 1990s. He started his career in 1999 with Arthur Andersen in Frankfurt where he advised on M&A transactions in the real estate sector. Subsequently Christian spent five years at Dresdner Kleinwort and Credit Suisse, where he advised clients in different sectors on the buy-side and sell-side assignments as well as on fairness opinions and equity offerings. He holds a diploma in Business Administration from the European Business School in Oestrich-Winkel (Germany) and speaks German, English and French.
Tilman has extensive experience in the automotive industry, in M&A and corporate finance. He started his career at BMW in Munich where he worked for six years successfully in national and international sales and marketing. Subsequently, Tilman worked in various business transformation projects at two Munich based consulting groups. As an expert in the automotive industry, he was assigned by several companies as interim CEO. During the last 15 years, he has been involved in many M&A transactions, both on the sell-side and buy-side in Germany and cross-border. Tilman holds a Diploma in Business Administration from Universität zu Köln and speaks German, English and French. He is a member of our logistics and automotive industrial groups, having closed several transactions in these sectors.
André has been involved in many, often his own, M&A transactions over the past 15 years. He is a former IT entrepreneur, building up his own companies and leading them to a successful exit. He ran his own M&A boutique for German mid-sized companies in the Ruhr area for several years. His industry focus areas are on IT (software and hardware), healthcare and tech. André holds a degree in Business Information Technology and is a commercial judge at the Essen Regional Court. He is a member of our IT group, having closed several transactions in this sector.
Petra has worked in the European construction industry for more than 20 years. Her experience ranges from acquisition and steering of M&A processes up to the integration of acquired companies into group structures. In addition, she has held the position of CEO within several local companies. In recent years, Petra has gained specific experience in other M&A projects, among others in the consumer goods industry and the art market.
Petra holds a degree in business administration (WU Vienna) and has lived and worked in Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Portugal, and Germany. She speaks German, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Czech.
Johannes has worked as a consultant with a focus on M&A in the small and mid-cap markets for over 20 years. As an industrial engineer, business mediator, systemic coach, and business administrator, he has in-depth knowledge about structuring and moderating M&A processes. In addition, he has gained valuable personal experience through the sale of his own family business.
Before that, Johannes worked in the FMCG and construction industry for eight years. His distinct strength lies in his negotiation skills and his broad overall experience. His industry focus is on FMCG, trade, services, and production.
Huskar obtained a double master’s degree in International Business Management from the University of Sydney and the CEMS Global Alliance. He also exchanged at Bocconi Italy, with all ACCA exams passed. Before joining Trinergy, he worked for Coca-Cola in Italy and later joined a leading internet company in China in charge of investment and financing.
Livio ha un background sia da imprenditore che da esperto di corporate finance. Ha iniziato la sua carriera nella storica azienda di Famiglia nel settore alimentare e successivamente ha creato, gestito e sviluppato altre realtà aziendali sia in Italia che all’estero. Nel 2009 è divenuto Partner di una corporate finance house inglese – Intrust Corporate Finance plc, regolata dalla FCA – con delega per il mercato del Sud Europa nei settori alimentare, fashion ed energy. Nel corso della sua carriera, ha seguito svariate operazioni di M&A, ristrutturazione del debito ed è stato advisor per conto del Tribunale di procedure concorsuali. Fa parte del Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori di Assolombarda ed è stato membro della commissione finanza dello stesso. Prima di unirsi a Translink è stato Presidente di BCR Consulenti Associati Srl, una boutique di corporate finance da lui fondata nel 2012. Fa parte del nostro gruppo Food, avendo chiuso con successo svariate transazioni in questo settore
Sabina Grisorio possiede una vasta esperienza nell’area Finance a livello internazionale, in importanti Societa’ Multinazionali nei settori di largo consumo, ICT e chimico. Ha iniziato la sua carriera in 3M, poi ha proseguito in Digital Equipment Corporation e Kraft Foods, ricoprendo ruoli di crescente responsabilita’ in Financial Planning & Analysis, Controllo di Gestione, Corporate Internal Auditing, Internal Controls e Corporate Governance, sia in Italia che all’estero. In Digital Equipment Corporation e Kraft Foods ha partecipato ad operazioni di M&A, cessioni di parti di azienda, ristrutturazioni, revisioni di sistemi informativi ed assetto organizzativo. Dal 2002 al 2009 ha ricoperto la responsabilita’ di Direttore di Controllo Interno e poi di Corporate Governance per Kraft Foods per i Paesi del Centro Europa, dell’Est, Medio Oriente ed Africa, con base a Vienna. Sabina e’ laureata all’Universita’ Bocconi (Milano) in Economia aziendale, con il massimo dei voti, ed e’ in grado di svolgere la sua attivita’ in italiano e in inglese. Fa parte dei nostri gruppi Food e Logistics, avendo chiuso con successo svariate transazioni in questi settori
Gerardo, che opera dal nostro ufficio di Venezia-Mestre, ha iniziato la propria carriera professionale presso Banco San Marco (ora BPM) come addetto dell’ufficio fidi corporate, e successivamente ha lavorato presso aziende commerciali e industriali operanti nel settore dell’agroindustria in qualità di direttore finanziario e amministrativo. Opera da oltre 20 anni nella consulenza per operazioni di M&A e di internazionalizzazione avendo assistito importanti gruppi industriali italiani nei loro processi di cessione e acquisizione e nella ricerca di partner sia in ambito nazionale che internazionale, con particolare attenzione verso i paesi emergenti. È relatore a convegni e seminari in merito a tematiche di finanza straordinaria presso università e Business School. Gerardo ha conseguito una laurea in Economia e Commercio presso l’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. Fa parte del nostro gruppo Food, avendo chiuso con successo svariate transazioni in questo settore
Stefano is active as an Analyst with Translink Strempel & Co. He is a graduate in Finance from Bocconi University at Milan and is fluent both in Italian and English.
Alberto has more than ten years of experience in mid-market M&A advisory services, particularly cross-border, with a track record including transactions in Eastern Europe, North America and Southern Asia.
Prior to joining Translink, he was Senior Associate with the Italian office of AICA – Alliance of International Corporate Advisors, a global investment banking partnership specializing in cross-border mid-market transactions. He began his career in 2010 as a Junior Analyst with the Private Equity team of Palladio Finanziaria.
Alberto earned a MS with honors in Banking and Finance and a BS in Business Economics both from the University of Padua.
Italian native, he lived in the US and is fluent in English.
PierCarla Delpiano, è laureata in Economia e commercio presso l’Università di Genova. Ha un’esperienza ventennale in posizioni di vertice sia nel settore pubblico che in quello privato. Nel 1998 è stata la prima donna in Italia a diventare City Manager. Nel settore privato da evidenziare il ruolo di Direttore Comunicazione e Relazioni Esterne in Fiera Milano spa, società quotata alla Borsa di Milano (2008-2018). Oltre agli incarichi manageriali, ha collaborato con importanti Università (Bocconi, Iulm) e società di consulenza (Scuola di Pubblica Amministrazione di Lucca, Consiel). Ha testimoniato e insegnato in corsi di specializzazione (Scuola superiore dell’economia e delle finanze, Uncem, Sda Bocconi) e master, oltre a partecipare come relatore a Convegni Nazionali. Attualmente è professore a contratto presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore al Master in Corporate Communications. Dal 2013 è Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione della Fondazione Stelline di Milano.
Luigi ha lavorato per oltre 20 anni sui mercati finanziari principalmente presso Monte Paschi Asset Management sgr, Prima sgr and Anima sgr, come gestore di fondi comuni di investimento ed analista buy-side. Ha maturato esperienza sui mercati azionari e obbligazionari corporate (investment grade e high yield). In MPS sgr ha anche lavorato come analista macroeconomico e come analista e gestore di prodotti derivati creditizi (CDOs, CSOs). Dal 2013 a metà 2016 è stato analista sell-side presso Hammer Partners di importanti società italiane quotate. Successivamente ha maturato esperienza in ambito M&A come advisor di una azienda di trasformazione alimentare venduta con successo ad un fondo di PE. Prima di unirsi a Translink ha lavorato per due anni presso la tesoreria di Piaggio Aerospace. Luigi è laureato in economia e commercio presso l’Università degli Studi di Pisa e ha un Master in Finanza (CUOA-Altavilla Vicentina).
Fabrizio Malavolti è laureato in Economia presso l’università Bocconi di Milano. Ha una vasta esperienza in corporate finance e mercati azionari, in particolare, ha lavorato come portfolio manager per SanPaolo Imi Asset Management e poi Monte Paschi Asset Management sui mercati azionari asiatici e come sales per Merrill Lynch e poi per Mizuho International a Londra con focus sul mercato azionario giapponese. Dal 2009 al 2012 ha collaborato con una società di diritto inglese attiva nella ricerca di investimenti in energie rinnovabili; nel 2013 ha costituito una società attiva nell’efficientamento energetico, di cui è stato amministratore delegato. Ha seguito operazioni di M&A in collaborazione con Labs Investments e BCR Consulting. Nel 2004 ha superato l’esame finale e ottenuto la qualifica di CFA. Ha inoltre svolto varie attività di volontario per la CFA Society Italy, tra le quali: l’organizzazione della conferenza presso Borsa Italiana “From Italy with value” nel 2013 e nel 2014; Mentor per la CFA Research Challenge dal 2012 al 2014.
Giampaolo Cogliati ha sviluppato la propria carriera nell’ambito dell’Investment Banking, maturando competenze nella Finanza Strutturata, Equity e Debt Capital Markets e nell’attività di M&A. Negli anni ha ricoperto diversi ruoli in primarie istituzioni finanziarie per decidere poi di impegnarsi nell’attività di consulenza. Giampaolo ha lavorato in Banque Indosuez come Credit Analyst a supporto della direzione rischi e del coverage; in Crédit Lyonnais dove ha partecipato allo sviluppo dell’attività di Finanza Strutturata focalizzata in particolare sui deals LBO fino ad assumere la carica di Responsabile Acquisition Finance; in Abaxbank dove è stato chiamato a ricoprire il ruolo di Responsabile Finanza Strutturata; in Natixis in qualità di relationship manager e responsabile credit analysis & structuring. Giampaolo è in grado di svolgere la sua attività in italiano, francese ed inglese.